
A gliding monster, once a deity, now an inmate of Monster Island, Varan is the last monster you will see on this tour.

Monster Profile


Height: 50 meters (164 feet)

Mass: 15,000 metric tons (16,500 tons)

Powers/weapons: Gliding flight, claws and spines

First appearance: Varan, the Unbelievable (1958)

Notable G-Series credits: 9

Fight record: watched the final battle in Destroy All Monsters

Varan's Story


Worshiped as a deity by the practitioners of the cult of Obake (oh-BAH-kay), Varan was driven from his underwater lair by increasing levels of toxic pollution. His ability to swim, walk on land, and soar by flying squirrle-like membrane stretched between his front and back limbs (arms and legs) make Varan a true tri-phibian monster. Repelled by the armed forces, Varan was later captured and confined to Monster Island among the Ogasawara Islands.


(that Varan Starred in)

(debut film)

(1958),Varan, the Unbelievable


9. (1968),Destroy All Monsters



Varan is the last stop on my Monster Tour, but enjoy my other cool stops on the way out.

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(we're tour guides)

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