
An ancient creature who survived the extinction, Titanosaurus was destroyed by Godzilla but a second one was found. This dinosaur was captured and also put on Monster Island to live in peace with the many other monsters on the island.

Monster Profile


Height: 60 meters (197 feet)

Mass: 30,000 metric tons (33,000 tons)

Powers/weapons: Cyclone tail, jump kick, head-butt, nice uppercut

First appearance: Terror of MechaGodzilla (1975)

Notable G-Series credits: 15

Fight record: Wins 1, Losses 1, Ties 1

Titanosaurus's Story


By nature a shy and retiring amphibious dinosaur, Titanosaurus had survived extinction and avoided detection since prehistoric times. Somehow the mad scientist Dr. Mafune found this peaceful dinosaur, placed it under his control, and forced it to fight Godzilla alongside MechaGodzilla.

Bearing no resemblance to the real dinosaur of the same name, Toho's Titanosaurus is totally fictional fish-lizard hybrid. It is an excellent swimmer, thanks to its forked and webbed tail. On land it assumes an upright stance with a graceful neck and a crest on its head. The head resembles that of a sharp-toothed barracuda, with finny, Gorgo-like "ears" and twin spines over the gleaming, yellow-hued cat's eyes.

In departure from previous Toho titans, Titanosaurus is colored a vivid red, with yellow markings and black mooting over its bumpy hide. Also in contrast to its fellow friends, Titanosaurus is revealed to be a gentle beast by nature. Only when it is controlled by the devilish Dr. Mafune and teamed with MechaGodzilla, sent by the aliens from the Third Planet of the Black Hole, does it become a fighter with which to be reckoned. In fact, its elegant stature and melodious, triumphant cry notwithstanding, Titanosaurus showed itself to be quite a formidable fighter.

In some ways, Titanosaurus is a throwback to the style of Godzilla's original foes: it shoots no gaudy rays or explosive missiles. Instead, it fights using tooth and claw, with the occasional head-butt and uppercut thrown in for good measure. It can also leap at great distances on its powerful hind legs and use its unique, fan like tail to create whirlpools in the water or stir up hurricane force winds on land, capable of toppling Godzilla.

Titanosaurus was ultimately defeated by a combination of Godzilla's power and human technology, but had the battle taken place in the water instead of on dry land, the outcome might have been different.


(that Titanosaurus starred in)

(debut film)

15. (1975),Terror of MechaGodzilla



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